
  • Water Quality
  • Hydrologic Analysis
  • Stormwater Management
  • Aquatic Habitat Restoration
  • Erosion Control & Road Stabilization
  • Revegetation (Burns, erosion, invasive plants, etc.)

We start with a site analysis to verify that what we see on the ground matches maps and data. We look for a chronology of land use events that resulted in the current condition and imagine what it was like prior to human influence.

We specialize in erosion control using biomimicry techniques that employ natural resources such as willow, wood, boulder and brush. These techniques often save money while offering the best opportunity for slope stability and bio-regeneration.

Terrestrial habitat restoration may be implemented for a variety of purposes including mine reclamation, burned area rehabilitation, revegetation, and erosion control. In our restoration we use native species and incorporate concepts such as infiltration basins and hydrologic connectivity to insure long term success and low maintenance.

Ecologically engineered stream with rock, wood & willow to stabilize eroding streambank (above). Willow walls, revegetation and rerouting of stormwater prevent bluff failure (below.)


Once service is complete, post-project monitoring and adaptation is how we ensure that our projects succeed in the long term, and also how we learn.

(Top pictures before service, bottom pictures after service)





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